Put the user experience in the frist place

Basic Product Management

Product screening, sorting, batch shelf and shelf-off, timing shelf and shelf-off, product copy, product list display custom

Photo Gallery

Update the product photos to the photo gallery one time, saving a lot of uploading time

Batch Upload

Batch upload saves a lot of time for you in case of a number of products

Category And Attribute

Support three-level classification, search, sorting, category and advertisement pictures
Product attribute template standardizes product attribute management, more convenient. Use different product attribute templates

Product Reviews

Set comment modes. Whether to audit, whether to make comments after transaction

Generate Product Page PDF

Generate PDF format file for a product in the product detail page for transmission

Automatic Sorting By Number

Automatically generate product number by system sequence when adding a product

Market Contrast Price Display

Display the market price and member price simultaneously when setting the product price

Supplier Management

Supplier corresponding to each product, convenient for the customer to contact the supplier after placing orders

Freight Free Setting

Set freight free for a product or a type of products

Product Inventory

Set the inventory number and inventory warning alert

Retail And Wholesale Mode

Set the minimum order quantity and the wholesale mode of discount for multiple pieces

Detail And Generate Thumbnail

The system automatically generates the thumbnail and supports a number of detail drawings of the product

UEESHOP system suitable for e-commerce transaction and served more than 31250 customers over 50+ countries in the world. At the time of outburst of mobile e-commerce, UEESHOP has been upgraded to version 5.0 and constantly upgraded and optimized user experience.

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